Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

1. A word, phrase or sequence that reads the same forward and backward is called what?

2. According to the U.S. Constitution, the president is part of which of the three branches of government?

3. What is the capital of Russia?

4. What is the process of water turning into vapor called?

5. What is the tallest mammal on Earth?

6. Who was the first person to step on the moon?

7. What is the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly called?

8. Who wrote the Harry Potter book series?

9. What is the capital of Australia?

10. What is the process by which plants make their food called?

11. Who wrote the famous play Romeo and Juliet?

12. What is the capital of France?

13. If a backyard is 50 feet long and 20 feet wide, how many square feet is the yard?

14. In classical music, what instruments usually comprise a string quartet?

15. On the periodic table, which element is represented by the letter N?

16. How many feet are there in 75 yards?

17. In what month do Americans go trick-or-treating?

18. What gas do humans need in order to live?

19. What is the hardest mineral?

20. What does a paleontologist study?

21. In colonial America, what was the Sugar Act?

22. Who invented the lightbulb?

23. Which general led U.S. troops during the Vietnam War?

24. How much is 14 times 5?

25. The Tropic of Capricorn lies in which hemisphere?

26. What do you call the number of times that one number can be divided by another?